
SwimClient is the class which behaves as the primary mechanism for handling connection management and link routing. Swim clients transparently multiplex all links to Web Agents on a given host over a single WebSocket connection, and automatically manage the network connection to each host, including reconnection and resynchronization after a network failure. Key lifecycle events may also be observed through the registration of callbacks.

Besides managing connections and opening links (from here on called downlinks) to Web Agents, Swim clients do many other things. They can be used to send arbitrary WARP commands and when multiple downlinks are opened to the same lane of the same remote Web Agent, Swim clients seamlessly handle multicast event routing.

Instantiating a SwimClient

SwimClient’s can be instantiated without any parameters.

from swimos import SwimClient

client = SwimClient()

Or they can be created with debug mode enabled, which provides additional debug information about potential runtime errors.

from swimos import SwimClient

client = SwimClient(debug=True)

Additionally, Swim clients support with statements, in order to automatically handle the setup and teardown phases.

from swimos import SwimClient

with SwimClient(debug=True) as client:

A downlink provides a virtual bidirectional stream over which data can be synchronized between the client and a lane of a remote Web Agent. Swim clients transparently multiplex all links to Web Agents on a given host over a single WebSocket connection. A downlink represents one link in this scenario.

SwimClient includes three methods that open different kinds of downlinks. The downlink_event method creates an EventDownlink for streaming raw events from any Web Agent lane. The downlink_value method creates a ValueDownlink for synchronizing state with a Web Agent value lane. The downlink_map method creates a MapDownlink. This type of downlink is useful for synchronizing state with any Web Agent lane backed by a map. In addition to map lanes, this includes join value lanes and join map lanes, which are maps of other value lanes and maps lanes, respectively.

Here is an example of opening an EventDownlink. We will go into further detail on all of the downlink types in subsequent sections.

from swimos import SwimClient

with SwimClient() as swim_client:
    event_downlink = swim_client.downlink_event()

Observing Lifecycle Events

SwimClient instances can also be used to observe key lifecycle events. The did_open method registers an observer callback that gets invoked whenever a downlink is opened. The did_close method registers an observer callback that gets invoked whenever a downlink is closed.

from swimos import SwimClient

async def print_did_open():
    print('Did Open')

async def print_did_close():
    print('Did Close')

with SwimClient() as swim_client:
    event_downlink = swim_client.downlink_event()



Sending Commands

The command method sends a WARP command message to a lane of a remote node. command takes up four arguments: a host URI, a node URI, a lane URI, and a command payload.

from swimos import SwimClient
from swimos.structures import Num

with SwimClient() as swim_client:
    host_uri = 'warp://localhost:9001'
    node_uri = '/unit/foo'
    lane_uri = 'publish'

    msg = Num.create_from(9035768)

    swim_client.command(host_uri, node_uri, lane_uri, msg)